
Sunday, July 31, 2016

Trump vs Clinton Polls August 1 2016

Now that the republican and democratic candidates have been officially confirmed after the respective party conferences, it is time for the battle to truly commence.

Donald Trump, the real estate mogul turned politician has long since been the underdog even within the republican primaries, but he was able to fight against the odds and emerge triumphant.

Hillary on the other hand was the clear favorite in the democratic primaries and it look at one point that she would sail to victory pretty much unchallenged, however Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders ended up running her pretty close, although ultimately losing.

So now we are less than 4 months away from what many see as a defining election in modern history, there appears to be a stark difference between the two candidates that offer very different solutions to the major problems facing the nation.

The gap in polling data between the two candidates closed recently and Trump briefly took the lead although the latest RealClearPolitics Average shows the following percentages.

RealClearPolitics Average (July 18-30)

Hillary Clinton    44.5%
Donald Trump    43.4%

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