
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Super Tuesday Republican Results March 1 2016

The big moment has finally arrived, Super Tuesday is the day in which the contests on both the Republican and Democrat sides to secure the nomination of the party really starts to be decided.

The clear front runners are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, at least according to polls. Trump leads in 8 of twelve states and if his numbers hold firm, then he will take a big step towards becoming the nominee. The interesting thing is that in certain states no reliable polling has been done for many months, so it remains to be seen how recent events may have effected public opinion in these areas.

On the democratic side former First Lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in the ascendancy having vanquished Bernie Sanders in Nevada and South Carolina. Sanders who describes himself as a "Democratic Socialist" will have to put in a good showing in order to wrestle the momentum away from Clinton who is looking ever more like the democratic candidate in 2016.

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